This is a list of preview articles available to those who are not Fontzone subscribers. The list is made available as an historical reference. This site will no longer be updated..
Preview: LettError – terrorising letters?
06/05/1999 preview
Dutch designers/programmers/artists: a different take on computers
Preview: Bliss, an Enigma on a Blue Island?
01/06/1999 preview
Jack Yan talks to Jeremy Tankard about the development of his latest type designs, and his attitudes to design
Who’s in the House?
04/11/1999 preview
Rich Roat of House Industries discusses the background to the company and their new magazine
Preview: Who’s in the House?
04/11/1999 preview
Rich Roat of House Industries discusses the background to the company and their new magazine
Preview: ClearType – close view, part 1
19/02/2001 preview
A close look at the technical side of Microsoft’s type rendering technology
Author profiles
30/12/2001 preview
Profiles for Fontzone authors and contributors
Schwere Geburt
01/01/2002 preview
Vom Euro-Logo zum Schriftzeichen, Jurgen Siebert
A difficult delivery
01/01/2002 preview
The euro sign: from logo to letter, Jurgen Siebert
11/01/2002 preview
All preview articles available to non-subscribers
Pirates on parade
15/05/2002 preview
The settlement of a long-running piracy suit has finally arrived, but what is it that so demonised a simple punctuation mark?
The pixelated papyrus
18/06/2002 preview
Joe Gillespie takes a look at pixel-based fonts and rendering systems
(Re)reading the classics
06/04/2003 preview
Mark Eastman takes a look at some digital revivals of classic faces
The Second Wave of Japanese Desktop Publishing
06/07/2003 preview
Joel Breckinridge takes an extended look at recent Japanese publishing trends
Jim Parkinson
05/09/2003 preview
Mark Eastman profiles the renown logo and typeface designer Jim Parkinson
Inside Hiragino
09/11/2003 preview
A close-up of Apple’s MacOS X Japanese font, Joel Breckinridge
01/04/2004 preview
Twenty-six designers, one alphabet
24/02/2005 preview
The final frontier for the Japanese desktop
Sayonara XPress
01/05/2005 preview
Time to switch tracks in the Japanese publishing market?
The Guardian Berliner
18/09/2005 preview
First look at the new design of the non-tabloid newspaper
Univers tees
23/09/2007 preview
Fifty years of Univers – 1957–2007